080 26972285

Certificate Courses

course description serves to state the rationale for the course and give an overview of key content covered, skills and knowledge to be learned, and how it will benefit to the practice

Certificate Course in Primary Mental Health Care for MBBS Medical Officers

Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of common mental disorders prevalent in the primary care setup

Certificate Course in Primary Mental Health Care for Rural Medical Assistants (RMAs) & AYUSH Medical Officers (AMOs)

This program is a long-term mentoring course for RMAs and AMOs

Certificate Course in Geriatric Mental Health and Dementia care for caregivers of elderly

This is a hybrid program designed to develop a structured training program for general Geriatric care

Digital learning and e-Health Masterclass: Beginners to Advanced

Formulate the learning objective for a digital course

Certificate Course in Online training on Dementia for General Physicians

Screening for Dementia, Brief assessments for memory and other cognitive complaints

Program for Advanced training of Hepatologists in Alcohol Use Disorder Management (PRATHAM)

Screening and evaluation of persons with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Identification and management of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome.