080 26972285

Certificate Courses

course description serves to state the rationale for the course and give an overview of key content covered, skills and knowledge to be learned, and how it will benefit to the practice

1. Comprehensive Tobacco cessation certificate course (CTCCC)
2. Digital learning and e-health masterclass: Beginner to Advanced
3. Certificate course in Geriatric Mental Health (Dementia for Physicians)
4. Certificate course in Primary mental healthcare for Assistant Medical Officers and AYUSH Doctors
5. Certificate course on Neurodevelopmental disorders
6. Online certificate course in Perinatal Mental Health
7. Certificate course on motivational interviewing
8. Online Certificate Course on Suicide Prevention
9. Psychotropic medications: What a General Practioner should know ?
10. Certificate course in Basics of Addiction Management
11. Online Certificate course in Lay counselling
12. Certificate course in Basic skills and applications of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
13. Online Certificate course in Media and Mental Health
14. Management of Addictive disorders: An Advanced Certificate Programme
15. Certificate Course in Psychosocial Management of Substance Use Disorders
16. Certificate course in Primary Care Psychiatry for MBBS Medical Officers
17. Certificate course on Social Work practise in Mental health Rehabilitation settings
18. Project Stree Manoraksha-Certificate course for counsellors and centre administrators of One-Stop centre in Psychosocial issues and mental health care to support women facing gender based violence
19. Certificate course on Skill development for caregivers of the elderly in geriatric mental health and dementia care – level 1
20. Certificate course for upskilling for trained/experienced caregivers in geriatric mental health and dementia care – level 2
21. Basic Accredited course in Mental Healthcare Act 2017 (MHCA)
22. Advanced Accredited course in Mental Healthcare Act 2017 (MHCA)
23. Certificate course in Geriatric Mental Health (Dementia for Psychiatrists)
24. Basic Certificate course for Tele MANAS Counsellors
25. Online Certificate course in Disaster Mental Healthcare
26. Certificate course in Mental Health for Govt. AYUSH Doctors
27. Psycho-social first aid (PSFA) for Persons Exposed to Disaster or Traumatic events